To conserve and restore Machiya in Kyoto, “Kyoto Machiya Revitalization Project - Phase 3” received a grant from World Monuments Fund to repair, develop, and raise awareness of Shijo Ofune-hoko Float Machiya as a traditional and ritual hub of Gion Festival. After a 150 years hiatus, the tradition of Ofune-hoko returned to the Ato Matsuri Yamahoko-junko, the second float procession in the Gion Festival, once again in 2014. The enthusiasm of the Shijo-cho residence to protect and preserve such tradition resonated with both domestic and foreign supporters. The collaborative restoration project is led by Shijo-cho Ofune-hoko Preservation Society, Kyomachiya Council and Kyoto Center for Community Collaboration. Kyomachiya Architects is working on the design and implementation of the project.
The restoration efforts are lead and enforced by a public foundation corporation know as Shijo-cho Ofune-hoko Preservation Society, Kyomachiya Council, as well as Kyoto Center for Community Collaboration. In addition, the layout and construction of the repairs are handled by a general corporation named Kyomachiya Architects.
Once restored, in addition to a storage facility of the float, Shijo Ofune-hoko Float Machiya will serve as the centerpiece of a community cultural center throughout the year, demonstrating the role Machiya play in preserving the historic cityscape and living culture which is symbolized by the Gion Festival in Kyoto.
During the off season, the machiya functions as a place for activities of the Shijo-cho Ofune-hoko Preservation Society such as practicing Gion Festival musical performance and gatherings, and as a office space of the Junior Chamber International Kyoto.
* The project was made possible with the generous support of The Freeman Foundation (USA)
About Shijo Ofune-hoko Float Machiya
Kyoto, Shimogyo-ku Shijo-cho 355
Shijo-cho Ofune-hoko Preservation Society
Summary of Building
Two-story building built in the year 1933 (Information according to the owner)
August, 2016
Commencement of restoration
September/October, 2016
Study tour, etc.
March, 2017
Completion of restoration
July, 2017
In accordance with the Gion Matsuri Festival, the completion of restoration will be showcased.
京都の伝統的木造都市住宅「京町家群」の保全・再生を目的とした「京町家再生プロジェクト」の第3期の取組として、祇園祭・大船鉾の祭事の拠点となる四条町大船鉾会所の修復や普及・啓発の活動について、ワールド・モニュメント財団(米国、World Monuments Fund)から、助成・支援*を受けることとなりました。後祭りの山鉾巡行への復帰を果たした大船鉾の復興を支える会所として、地域で大切に守り伝えていくという四条町の皆さんの熱意が、国内外の支援者を動かしたのです。
2階建, 1933年築(昭和8年)※所有者情報
2016年 8月
2016年 9、10月
2017年 3月
2017年 7月